by Niki | Feb 26, 2013 | Custom Orders, Doggie Community, Niki's Notes
We were so so so pleased to be asked to paw-ticpate in something very special last weekend…a Doggie Wedding!!!! It was the Wedding of Boo Boo (the Groom) and Roo (the Bride) two Italian Greyhounds from Italian Greyhound Rescue Hawaii. They were married at...
by Tasha | Feb 14, 2013 | Doggie Community, Tasha's Thoughts, Thoughts & Musings
My sister and I first met Rocky and his parents Dana and Todd very early in our start with Hawai’i Doggie Bakery in 2012. Rocky was an older spaniel with the personality of a young vibrant puppy. We quickly learned that Rocky was suffering from cancer...
by Niki | Oct 14, 2012 | Doggie Community
We heard about the dog-friendly Event, Cool Kailua Nights fairly last minute, and since we could not attend our regular Kailua Elementary Farmers’ Market, we decided to check this block party out! Being that it was all coming together at the last minute we only...
by Niki | Oct 10, 2012 | Doggie Community, Katsu & Kuri
If you’re following us on Facebook, you may have noticed our post a few weeks ago about The Yellow Dog Project. What IS The Yellow Dog Project? Basically, if you see a dog with a Yellow Ribbon, that means that dog needs space. Simple, effective, we love it!...