Yappy Thanksgiving!! Time to spend time with your loved ones and FEAST on delicious food. Don’t feed your pup scraps from the table–it’s time to treat them to a Thanksgiving “Pup-kin” & Poi Pie from Hawai`i Doggie Bakery! Pumpkin is an excellent source of fiber and aids in digestive health for dogs.

We’ve been working on these pumpkin pies since last year, Thanksgiving 2012.  We tried our best last year, but the crust kept burning!  This year we started early this year so we could solve the burning crust problem.  We got it figured out, but making the crust look good was another problem.  It kept looking like weird mushed up biscuit that kind of looked like pie shaped crusts.  We were getting frustrated and were about to give up when our Mom happened to walk into the kitchen.  She saw what we were doing and immediately grabbed the biscuit dough and made the perfect crust!  We were amazed!!  Mom truly does know best.  So we recruited her for the pumpkin crusts, and all the Thanksgiving “Pup-kin” Poi Pie crusts have been made “woof love” by our wonderful Mom.  We are sure thankful for her!


Official HDB Taste Tester Katsumi Firefox posing with the pies so you can see how big they are! We also included one of our Kalua Chicken-n-Poi Munchie so you can see how it compares as well.

Our “Pup-kin” & Poi Pies are made with fresh local pumpkin & eggs, honey, milk and heavy whipping cream. The poi biscuit crust is made from fresh poi, whole wheat flour, cornmeal and vegetable oil. Available in Small (3 inch) and Large (5 inch). Thanksgiving “Pup-kin” Poi Pies must be refrigerated.

thanksgiving pupkin poi pie

We have only a limited quantity of these pies, so pre-orders are highly encouraged! The last day for pre-ordering is November 25, and last day to pick up is November 27. We will be closed on Thanksgiving Day.  Pre-order today by clicking here!